04 October, 2007


Some may identify them as being extremely polite, tempered or loyal but the trait that I find really outstanding in them is cleanliness.

They are really clean starting from the office boys to top executives. I remembered this while I was in ramsis station just before iftar and a couple of Nubian ladies walked in, so humble and quite they sat, pulling out their sandwiches asking for a bottle of water and tea and they had iftar. When they finished, not only they collected everything they consumed and put it in a plastic bag and left it on the table but checked the floor and picked any bread crumps which may have fell from them. When they left the place was cleaner. A quick glance to other tables of more “sophisticated” people it was simple a mazbala.

Greetings to them and for their great history and even a greater heritage.

1 comment:

E N G Y said...

Yes it's a fact!!