Sense, Sensitivity and sensibility
Color of loneliness
Dr. jackal and Mr. Hide
My blog sphere status
ones perceived value

suddenly i felt the urge for chocolate, every one of them represent a totally different state of mind that i experimented all in less than 5 minutes .
first comment pls help me in choosing one of the posts to write about first and in return your favorite type of chocolate wil be sent to you. ( pic of the type u chose will eb e-mailed asap)
I would like to read them in that order:
Your blog sphere status
Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide
Sense, sensitivity and sensibility
and as far as you are going to send only the pics of the chocolates :) please send them all :)
I miss reading you
1) Color of loneliness
As for the chocolate pic :) Cadbury is my life time partner who never abandoned me … especially the British version
they all seem interesting to read but my curiosity is aroused in that following order:
1)Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide
3)Color of Loneliness
4)Sense, senstivity and sensibility
5)Your blog sphere status
thanks for the offer:) but a better offer would be blogging more often than now... your writings are really interesting
Sense, Sensitivity and sensibility
im waiting for my chocolate bar!
helloz : )
mozadalefa & sense and sensibility : )
that means i would have 2 bars of cadbury milk : )))
waitin : )
ones perceived values
waiting for my chocolate:)
1)Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hide
2)Color of Loneliness
3)Sense, senstivity and sensibility
ones perceived value
Color of loneliness
Sense, Sensitivity and sensibility
My blog sphere status
Dr. jackal and Mr. Hide
i love glaxay pls :)
I wanna read first about your version of Sense and sensibility :-)
as for the chocolate’s photo, save your breath , but if your gonna send the chocolate itself ... please do
I’ll be waiting …
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