state of the union is like bayan el 7okoma in egypt. the post is about reflections in a past year.
Cant believe it is 2 weeks since my return, nothing had changed, yet everything changed.
A friend got a divorce, another got engaged, few friends resigned, others traveled. Blogs disappeared without a trace, others stopped blogging and others went deep undercover.
Friends stopped answering phones or e-mails and others are reaching out for companionship because they feel lost.
People are getting more and more autistic, just enclosing themselves in their own world and worries and not carrying for or about others.
More and more people are getting hurt, and they recover slowly awi and sometimes they don’t even recover, don’t know if the reason is they don’t recover quickly or the hurt becomes more and more deep.
As for me, I am praying the light I am seeing in the end of the tunnel to be the exit, not a full speed train coming towards me.

This pic was taken in el masjed el nabawi, may be 2am, was hoping to sit in El Rawda, but alas tough luck, and as I waited for a spot to clear and gave up hope a complete stranger with a language I cant recognize pulled me, made me stand in his spot and pointed out 2 for numbers of raka3at, I did pray, gave him his spot back and went back, the mobile cam do great injustice for the place. While people were literally fighting for their spot in the Rawda, I had my own peace of heaven for a while in this spot.
One last thing, I would really like thank all fellow blogers who leave me comments and welcomed me back and for the MIAs to appear again.
New year prayers for Egypt, may it survive 2008 and to be a better kinder place to live in.
Ba7ebek, wa7ashteni, goes for Egypt and Her.
i wish that you will be with "her"
the soonest possible and that you
will be happy till the end of your
u deseve it
ya rab u will b with her soon. my prayers goes to U :)
“Her” is the luckiest girl on earth, even though she is not literally yours but enough she is got your heart and blessed of being loved that way!
Dear Askandarani ...
Welcome back dearest ... i am sorry i am late but as you stated at the beginning of this post ... people are sinking in their own thoughts and problems... life became too sophisticated ,, or it is us?
it is about time to be with her ... just do it...
god bless you
I wish i knew her so i could tell you love that much...God bless you
I hope that she know that you love her and I wish you be together very soon.
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