09 August, 2008

اللهم بلغنا رمضان

with only 3 weeks to go, and barley enough time to get things wormedup and to be in shape for the holy month. want to write more but my tongue is out of words and my heart filled with prayers.

lets remind ourselves and our loved ones, we cant start from day one, it needs preparation and determination

اللهم اني اسئلك الثبات

اللهم اني اسئلك الثبات

اللهم اني اسئلك الثبات و صدق النيه


Ehab said...

اللهم تقبل منا ومنك
رمضان كريم


Deeeeeee said...

Ramadan Kareem, make the best of it isA! :)